Where do the contact pictures come from?

The contact picture (a.k.a. avatar) may be pulled from a number of different sources. The first choice is Gravatar, a service which lets anyone to upload their avatars. Gravatars are identified by person’s email address, so if the contact email is a match, we will use that picture. If no Gravatar image is available, we…

What is a Contact Timeline?

Annelite automatically generates a timeline for each contact. It includes all sent and received email, completed and pending tasks, notes and files, invoices, and pending and scheduled email marketing templates. You can open each line-item for preview without leaving the page. The Contact Timeline is shared among your team in real time. This puts everybody…

How do I add a note to contact?

There are two ways. You can add a persistent comment in Contact > Edit > Comments about this contact. It will always be visible on contact preview. To add a time-sensitive note, such as meeting results, add activity. You may label it “Note” or create any other descriptive label for the line-items of this type.