A Deal is a type of activity. It represents something you want to sell, and has a money value attached to it. Deals at various stages of the sales process together form a sales deal pipeline, also known as sales funnel.
By default, Deals in your Annelite account are not enabled. You can turn this feature on and off in Settings > Department. When enabled, the Deals tab appears under the top Activities tab.
Deals are organized by stages of the sales process. Each stage has a name and probability of closing. The default stages are:
- Lost 0%
- Lead 10%
- Qualified 30%
- Proposal 80%
- Won 100%
You can customize stages and probabilities of closing for your business in Settings > Deals.
A number of deals at various stages in the sales cycle make up your sales pipeline. The total value of your sales pipeline with estimated closing date that falls within a certain time period is calculated based on the number of deals at each stage multiplied by the probability of closing.
You can filter deals by stages and who’s responsible by clicking on the Filter Deals dropdown.
Your sales deal pipeline is characterized by these key metrics:
- Number of deals
- Average deal size
- Percentage of closed (won) deals
- Average time to closing
Deal attributes include title, description, stage, probability of closing and expected closing date. Like with any type of activity, you can associate contacts and users with a deal, and attach files to it.
Changing the stage of the deal will also set its probability of closing to the default value for the new stage. You can change the probability of closing without changing the stage.